Forest of Magmire

Forest of Magmire header image

The game is created during my employment at Motekforce Link as a project for Northeastern University. I served as the only programmer and did most of the design work. I also had interaction with the client to iterate on the game.

The game is controlled by the players balance. By leaning towards a direction the player moves forwards, backwards or turns around. There is also a marker attached to the hand of the player which is used so that the player can reach towards targets.

The goal of the game is for the player to follow a path of fireflies through a magical forest within a specific time. Along the path there are tasks where the player has limited time to reach towards a target and save a trapped bunny. Along the path there are barriers and fireflies that turn malicious and have to be avoided. At the end the player gets a score for their performance.

Forest of Magmire image 2 Forest of Magmire image 3 Forest of Magmire image 4